Shakopee Area Catholic School provides many opportunities to share your time and talents
with our community.
Along with the mission of the Archdiocesan Office for the Protection of Children and
Youth (OPCY) , we work collaboratively to provide safe environments for students, and
staff by implementing the requirements of the Charter for the Protection of Children and
Young People.
This charter provides an awareness and specialized training utilizing a program called
VIRTUS: Protecting God’s Children.
VIRTUS is an online platform which consists of viewing safe environment training,
submitting a code of conduct as well as a background check. All adults having regular
and/or unsupervised contact with children, youth, and vulnerable adults must commit to
a successful completion of the listed above essential 3 requirements.
To start your training, please visit:
- Virtus user guides can be found HERE
To learn more about ways to protect and promote safe environments, please visit this LINK.
Please direct any questions to the Safe Environment Coordinator, Corinna Benz, at
[email protected] or 952.445.3387 ext 101.
SACS is grateful for your enthusiastic support of our many activities and events. Areas
of volunteer opportunity include (but not limited to):
-Classroom assistant
-Lunchroom attendant
-Media Center
-Coach for various athletic programs
-Marathon—annual fundraiser (October)
-Parents in Partnership—PIP
-Catholic Schools Week pancake breakfast (January)
-Scholastic bookfair (January)
-Golf Tournament (June)